Stipendiranje za sudjelovanje na konferenciji u Rovaniemi (Finska)

Obavještavamo vas o mogućnosti stipendiranja studenata za sudjelovanje na završnoj konferenciji “BOREAS: Histories from the North – environments, movements, narratives”, koja će se održati u Rovaniemi (Finska) od 28. do 31. listopada 2009. godine.  Rok za prijavu je 14. rujna 2009. godine.

ESF Humanities Unit

Call for Student Participants

BOREAS Final Conference, October 28-31 2009, Rovaniemi, Finland

We wish to invite students from the circumpolar north, students interested in northern humanities and social sciences, and minority students to participate in the culminating meeting of the ESF Eurocores programme “Histories from the North – environments, movements, narratives (BOREAS).” The BOREAS Final Conference will be held in Rovaniemi, Finland on October 28-31, 2009 at the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland.

Further details about the conference can be found at:

Travel, meals, and lodging will be covered by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (OPP 0946278, awarded August 31, 2009).

Applicants must submit the following to be considered:

Cover Letter giving an introduction and containing contact information

-a 1-page Essay describing how participation in the conference will further academic/career goals in Arctic humanities and science

-a CV or resume and short Letter of Recommendation from a professor or other professional with whom the applicant has worked closely

Please submit all materials via email:, or Fax: (208) 426-4329. Mailed applications will also be considered.

Please submit these materials to Karl Mertens, as soon as possible or by September 14. The registration deadline for the conference is September 15 and we will need time to review applications before giving you the go-ahead to register before the deadline.

Questions/Further Information:

Karl Mertens, Graduate Assistant

Boise State University – Department of Anthropology 1910 University Drive HWSC, Room 55 Boise, ID 83725-1950

Konferencija Geopoetic of Danube Basin, 25. i 26. rujna u Novom Sadu

Obavještavamo vas o konferenciji pod nazivom Geopoetic of Danube Basin (Danube as midpoint of economic, cultural and tourism cooperation) koja će se održati u Novom Sadu 25. i 26. rujna 2009.

The Conference is primarily aimed at students, university staff and young professionals studying or working in the field of environmental protection, tourism or media.


Stipendija Vanier Canada

Program stipendije Vanier Canada je namijenjen izvrsnim studentima na doktorskim studijima koji se ističu visokim akademskim postignućima. Vrijednost svake Vanier Canada stipendije za diplomce iznosi $ 50 000 godišnje, tijekom tri godine.

Vanier Canada

Što je program stipendija Vanier Canada za diplomce?

Program stipendije Vanier Canada je namijenjen izvrsnim studentima na doktorskim studijima koji se ističu visokim akademskim postignućima. Program nastoji privući najbolje studente doktorskih studija na kanadska sveučilišta nudeći značajnu financijsku naknadu uspješnim kandidatima tijekom studija.

Kolika je novčana vrijednost svake stipendije?

Vrijednost svake Vanier Canada stipendije za diplomce iznosi $ 50 000 godišnje, tijekom tri godine. Ovaj iznos će uspješnim kandidatima omogućiti slobodu za uspješno studiranje i završavanje doktorskih studija.

Jesu li stipendije Vanier Canada dostupne kanadskim i međunarodnim studentima?

I kanadski i međunarodni studenti mogu se prijaviti za navedenu stipendiju.

Sljedeći rok za natječaj:

Krajnji rok za predavanje prijava za stipendije Vanier Canada za diplomce na matičnom sveučilištu: pogledati rokove matičnog sveučilišta.

Rok za sveučilišta za predavanje prijava: 6. studeni 2009.

Objavljivanje rezultata: ožujak 2010.

Kriteriji za stipendiju Vanier Canada za diplomce:

Kako bi bio nominiran za navedenu stipendiju student:

mora pohađati doktorski studij ( ili kombinirani magistarski/doktorski stupanj),

ne smije biti korisnik neke druge kanadske stipendije na doktorskom ili magistarskom stupnju,

mora biti kanadski državljanin, imati stalno boravište u Kanadi ili biti međunarodni student podoban za prijavu za stipendiju Vanier Canada.

Kakav je proces prijave za stipendiju Vanier Canada za diplomce?

1. Nominirani studenti i sveučilišta koja nominiraju trebaju popuniti obrazac i dostaviti dokumente saveznoj agenciji za stipendije do 14. studenog 2008.

2. Multi-disciplinarni odbor ocjenjuje prijave i proslijeđuje 70 nominacija izbornom odboru.

3. Izborni odbor odabire 55 dobitnika stipendije iz svake od tri agencije za stipendije.

4. Svi nominirani su obaviješteni od strane svoje agencije za stipendije o tome jesu li dobitnici stipendije Vanier Canada za diplomce.

5. Nominiranim studentima iz Kanade koji nisu dobitnici navedene stipendije bit će ponuđena druga vrsta doktorske stipendije.

Koji su kriteriji ocjenjivanja za stipendiju Vanier Canada za diplomce?

Nominirani će biti ocjenjeni prema akademskim postignućima, istraživačkom potencijalu te sposobnosti za vođenje koji se mjere :

dosadašnjim akademskim rezultatima ( predočenim u prijepisu ocjena te nagradama)

relevantnim profesionalnim i akademskim iskustvom.

dvjema pisanim procjenama sudaca

Frontier Science Conference for Young Researchers, Fukuoka, Japan

ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference for Young Researchers Contact Zones of Empires in Asia and Europe: Complexity, Causality and Contingency će se održati od 27.02. do 04.03.2010. na Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Rok za prijavu: 05.11.2009. Prijavni obrasci i ostali detalji su dostupni na web stranici:

Call for Applications

ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference for Young Researchers

Contact Zones of Empires in Asia and Europe: Complexity, Causality and Contingency

27 February – 4 March 2010

Venue: Centennial Hall, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

This conference seeks new approaches to common topics concerning social, cultural and political complexity on the fringes of empires in Europe and East Asia, namely, the Hellenistic and Roman, and successive Chinese empires. A special focus of the conference will be on interactions between empires and their peripheries, and on contact zones. The temporal coverage spans from the formative phase of the earliest empires in the concerned regions up to A.D.1000. The purpose of the conference is to seek new avenues for research collaboration in cutting-edge research, which is why early career researchers are particularly welcome. The conference will bring together archaeologists and anthropologists, philologists and linguists, art historians and historians, specialists of material culture and religion, experts on historical climate change and commercial exchange and many more. An underlying, unifying feature of presentations, discussions and follow-up will be the methodological challenges of interdisciplinary research in the humanities, which is moving towards a global research enterprise.

The late 20th century had witnessed increased sophistication in theory and methodology when dealing with the emergence and development of civilizations and empires and their relations with surrounding communities. Whether in Europe or in East Asia, notably in Japan, the study of symbiotic relationships between empires and surrounding communities has been prominent. With the rich archaeological and written record to be examined, many important case studies have been produced. Data on various environmental factors has increasingly informed our understanding of the forces underlying trajectories of socio-cultural, economic and political development. This conference aims at synthesising these strands of research, aiming at a comprehensive reconstruction of the processes and causes of the emergence and development of social complexity and state-formation on the fringes of the empires, thereby setting the research agenda for collaborative research for the future.

Topics will include: 1. Empires and their peripheries: interactions, interdependences and transformations; 2. Environment and food supply; 3. Ethnic identities, language, population movements and social mobility; 4. Networks of interaction, production and exchange; 5. Ritual, symbolism and cosmology; 6. Empires and their contested peripheries in long-term and global perspectives

Full conference programme, including list of invited speakers, and application form accessible online from

Closing date: 5 November 2009.

ESF Contact: Jean Kelly –

This conference is organised by the European Science Foundation (ESF), in partnership with the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)


Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme

The Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme is expected to support up to 40 Scholars in the 2010-2011 academic year.  This Programme, launched in May 2007, offers outstanding postgraduate students and young professionals, primarily from Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East, support for graduate studies at Oxford University complemented by a comprehensive leadership development programme.

In seeking to cultivate leaders of the future, the Programme selects students and young professional with clear leadership potential, and a demonstrated commitment to contributing to public life. It offers them the unique opportunity to:

· Pursue fully funded graduate studies at the University of Oxford with no restriction as to the chosen academic field; and

· Participate in a comprehensive leadership programme providing them with:

The knowledge and skills needed to contribute to public life in, and play a transformational role in the development of, their countries and regions of origin;

Lasting professional networks across cultures and continents to be drawn on throughout their post-university careers.

We are asking friends and colleagues around the world to circulate the attached information through relevant networks in order to increase awareness of the scheme and widen the pool of eligible candidates for the next academic year.

As with other scholarships, candidates need to apply through the official University of Oxford application process by mid JANUARY, 2010. Application documents for the 2010-11 academic year will be available from September 2009 onwards. Interested candidates must be accepted by Oxford before being considered for a Weidenfeld Scholarship.

Additional information about the programme, the criteria for eligibility and the application process is attached. Further information about the programme is available on the Institute for Strategic Dialogue website

Should you require any further information about the Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme, please do not hesitate to contact Victoria Fraser, the Weidenfeld Scholarships Programme Associate, at or by telephone at +44 207 493 9333.

The professional relationships fostered at Oxford, combined with our leadership programme, is paving the way for the trans-cultural, trans-continental and thus sustainable networks of leaders of our future. We would be most grateful for your assistance in raising awareness of the Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme by circulating this information to relevant universities, networks of students, educational advising centres in your country, and appropriate professional networks


Stipendije za Grčku – Hellenic Aid Office

Veleposlanstvo Grčke obavještava o mogućnosti dodjele stipendija za preddiplomske/diplomske i poslijediplomske studije u sklopu programa Hellenic Aid Office Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Grčke za akademsku godinu 2009./2010. Prijavna dokumentacija treba se predati Veleposlanstvu Grčke u Zagrebu, Opatička 12 najkasnije do 25. kolovoza 2009. godine. Prijavni obrasci i detalji natječaja dostupni su na web stranici Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa:

Veleposlanstvo Grčke obavještava o mogućnosti dodjele stipendija za preddiplomske/diplomske i poslijediplomske studije u sklopu programa Hellenic Aid Office Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Grčke za akademsku godinu 2009./2010. Prijavna dokumentacija treba se predati Veleposlanstvu Grčke u Zagrebu, Opatička 12 najkasnije do 25. kolovoza 2009. godine. Prijavni obrasci i detalji natječaja dostupni su na web stranici Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa:

Konferencija u Dubrovniku

17. godišnja konferencija Europskih savjeta za zaštitu okoliša i održivi razvoj (European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils – EEAC) pod naslovom „U smjeru održive europske infrastrukture“ će se održati od 22.-24. listopada 2009. u Dubrovniku

Dodatne informacije o cjelokupnom događanju možete naći i na:


Program stipendiranja Sveučilišta u Sydneyu u 2010. godini

Sveučilište u Sydneyu objavljuje mogućnost stipendiranja hrvatskih znanstvenika 2010. u okviru World Scholars programa, kojim se godišnje dodjeljuje 20 visoko prestižnih stipendija za doktorske studije. Rok: 18. rujna 2009.

Program stipendiranja Sveučilišta u Sydneyu u 2010. godini

Rok: 18. rujna 2009.

Sveučilište u Sydneyu objavljuje mogućnost stipendiranja hrvatskih znanstvenika 2010. u okviru World Scholars programa, kojim se godišnje dodjeljuje 20 visoko prestižnih stipendija za doktorske studije. Stipendija u cijelosti pokriva školarinu u razdoblju od tri akademske godine i putne troškove u iznosu od $AUD 1,250. Po dogovoru, također postoji mogućnost za obavljanje dijela istraživanja u zemlji iz koje se kandidat prijavljuje. Sveučilište u Sydneyu po prvi je put ove godine otvorilo mogućnost hrvatskim znanstvenicima za sudjelovanje u programu stipendiranja World Scholars. Prijave za stipendije u 2010. su u tijeku i traju do 18. rujna 2009. Sve upite u svezi programa stipendiranja Sveučilišta u Sydneyu molimo uputiti na sljedeće kontakte Sveučilišta: gospođa Danielle Penn ( ili na gospodina Davida Boyda (